Ang.O Paintings : Animals, Wildlife, Landscapes, Figures


from latin anĭma « breath, soul »

Painting animals that are not skinned, not aggressive and neither subjected, nor dead. To try to recover what is often taken away from them : their dignity, their integrity, their feelings, their expectations, what we might call their soul.
So that people who see those paintings, may feel like a break, an encounter, tenderness. Another way of expressing hope, a scent of paradise.

Welcome! This website is mainly in English. Some pages, Home, News, Technique & materials and Contact, are also in French and Spanish, some texts or poems below the paintings might also be in those languages. Enjoy your visit!

This website is dedicated to wildlife & animal paintings. Other subjects or themes please visit [] Ang.O


Paintings of : Wild & less wild animals

Barn owl painting White bear painting Dolphin painting Dolphin painting Crow Elon painting Hind and landscape painting Lioness painting Cow painting Blue tit painting Owl paintingchouette effraie peinture Young fox painting Blackheaded gull painting Wolves painting Black panther painting Animal paintings : Fox painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Horses painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Horse painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Horse painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Tiger painting Animal paintings : Panther painting Animal paintings : Tiger painting Animal paintings : Wolves painting Animal paintings : Wolves painting Animal paintings : Owl painting

« Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures. » (The Dalai Lama)

Cat's corner...

Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting

Ang.O Paintings : Animals, Wildlife, Landscapes, Figures