Ang.O Paintings : Animals, Wildlife, Landscapes, Figures

Painting technique

All the paintings are made on canvas, with oil painting techniques. Sometimes modelling pastes or other materials are used for background textures.

Tools & materials

In the tools and materials used for painting, there are sometimes animal components, for example the glue made with rabbits skin for the canvases, bone black for black pigments, hair made brushes made with horse, hog, goat, bear, marten and other animal hairs, some insects for red pigments, etc.

  • Colors I select are of high quality and free of any animal pigment.
  • Canvas are chosen for their quality and their composition free of any animal material.
  • Mediums I choose doesn't contain animal substances.
  • Natural hair made brushes that I bought at the beginning have been replaced by new synthetic ones, so no more animal component should be involved in my paintings.

That's why my paintings could be possibly qualified as « vegan paintings ».

Paintings of : Wild & less wild animals

Barn owl painting White bear painting Dolphin painting Dolphin painting Crow Elon painting Hind and landscape painting Lioness painting Cow painting Blue tit painting Owl paintingchouette effraie peinture Young fox painting Blackheaded gull painting Wolves painting Black panther painting Animal paintings : Fox painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Horses painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Horse painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Horse painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Tiger painting Animal paintings : Panther painting Animal paintings : Tiger painting Animal paintings : Wolves painting Animal paintings : Wolves painting Animal paintings : Owl painting

« I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being. » (Abraham Lincoln)

Cat's corner...

Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting by Ang.O Animal paintings : Cat painting Animal paintings : Cat painting

Ang.O Paintings : Animals, Wildlife, Landscapes, Figures